Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Elizabeth's New Winter Retreat in Tucson

Congratulations to Elizabeth - she is the proud owner of a charming little house in Tucson - her "winter retreat". Bob and I happened to be in the neighborhood (well, Phoenix), so we drove down to check it out, and I can report that it is a very special place, complete with a casita! And an overgrown butterfly garden in the back yard that Liz is quickly turning into a peaceful oasis. Of course she lost no time purchasing a wheel barrow, pruners and various other implements for gardening, some of which you can spot in the pictures below. She has already ripped out all the carpeting and replaced it with stunning Mexican tile, and has had the interior completely repainted since we saw it. Can't wait to see it when she's finished with it!

This is the backyard - notice the casita! There's desert behind the backyard wall, with coyotes and those wild pig things (can't remember what they're called - oh yeah, havalinas), and many varieties of beautiful cactus.

Celebrating with a Coke (with champagne later!!) . . .

This is Saguaro National Park, a mere 5 minute drive or bike ride from Liz's place. People come from all over the world to see the cacti there, and the spectacular mountain scenery.

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